Saturday, March 23, 2013


Here's an old show that hasn't been around since God-knows-when!  Have you ever heard this phrase before?  "The story you are about to see is true.  The names have been changed to protect the innocent."  Those are the opening lines from the 1960's TV show Dragnet.  Set in Los Angeles California, the show follows the work of Police Sergeant Joe Friday. 

Here are four Episodes:
The LSD Story:  The infamous drug has made it's way into the hands of teenage users.  Sergeant Friday and his colleagues must figure out a way to stop it from getting out of control.  

The Big Explosion:  Someone has burglarized a construction company and made off with a ton of dynamite.  Someone clearly plans to use it, but who?  

The Big Glasses: An elderly woman goes missing.  Her husband claims that she left him, but the testimony of their daughter gives Friday plenty of reason to suspect murder.  

Big September: A beautiful blonde secretary is found murdered, and a man is found a few blocks away behaving suspiciously. 

Few people make cops shows like this anymore.  Why can't we have shows that have cops doing paperwork?  That's what Friday and his colleagues often do.  And much of the show consists of interrogation.  But it's thrilling nonetheless.  And it just goes to show that often a simple story is needed, not like the flashbacks we get in shows like CSI; and there's also not much in the way for of onscreen violence and blood.  The police prefer it that way frankly. 

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