Monday, May 9, 2016

Monumental Debate

There has been some shouting going on in recent weeks over whether or not to take down a Confederate statue in Kentucky.  I can understand why this would be an issue.  The South was fighting to keep slavery; but then again most of the Confederate soldiers were told by folks like Calhoun that they were fighting for their rights.  I would say keep the statue for two reasons.

Reason Number One would be that this is still a monument to American soldiers.  the South may have seceded in 1860, but not only did it come back after the Civil War, but the people who live in the South are Americans.  This statue is a memorial to American soldiers who died during the war.  

Reason Number Two is that this is a war memorial.  If it were dedicated to John Wilkes Booth or Jefferson Davis, I would be all for dismantling it.  Booth was a traitor who murdered his president.  Davis was the traitor president who could not admit defeat even when it was clear the South had lost, and as a result became a laughing stock.  But this a monument to the soldiers; and the soldiers recognized when the game was up and surrendered with honor.  There's a reason I admire folks like Robert E. Lee.  

Yeah there's a lot of the usual "Our noble Southern ancestors" and all that jazz, but it is still a memorial to the soldiers.  Soldiers who need to remembered for their service even if it was for the wrong cause.  An act of valor is an act of valor no matter which side you're on.  

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