Sunday, July 19, 2015

JURASSIC WORLD: Same Song, Fourth Verse; A Little Bit Louder, A Little Bit Worse

Has no one learned anything from the events of the first Jurassic Park movie?  

 In Jurassic World, yet another dinosaur-themed park has been made.  Only this time it's a full-blown resort; complete with hotels, a museum, the whole nine yards.  InGen, the company behind it all, has decided to genetically create a monster theropod called Indominus Rex, for the sake of simply having something awesome.  Naturally this experiment goes completely haywire and Indominus begins to run amok and kill people.  And now it's up to a beefy macho guy named Owen Gradey and a hot-but-air-headed scientist named Claire to put an end to the monster's rampage. 

I'm not going to lie; I personally thought this to be the most hilariously stupid film ever put to screen.  Everyone except for Owen had the common sense of a bag of potato chips.  InGen went out of their way to create a killing-machine just because the public wanted something more awesome than Tyrannosaurus Rex (I don't care that there were bigger predatory dinosaurs; nothing is going to dethrone T-Rex).  After the business with Utahraptor, T-Rex, and several other dinosaurs breaking out and causing havoc years earlier, the wise thing to do would have been not to create a genetically-enhanced theropod hybrid killing machine.  

That's not to say that the movie was entirely bad.  The acting was actually fairly decent.  You both love and hate Claire and her child prodigy nephews.  They make some of the stupidest mistakes throughout the film, but the actors did a very good job with their roles.  Bryce Dallas Howard and Chris Pratt (who portrayed Claire and Owen respectively), have such great chemistry together.  Nick Robinson and Ty Simpkins as the two boys Zach and Grey are fantastic in their roles. Simply put, these were great actors with little to work with.  

I don't know why I like this film.  It's completely ridiculous, and all the characters seem to be airheads except for Owen.  At the same time, however, that thing managed to keep me at the edge of my seat.  So maybe it's the thrills that get me interested even if the whole thing plays like a repeat of Film One.  I won't spoil the good part at the climax. 

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