Friday, April 19, 2013

Boston Suspect

Monday saw the Boston Marathon ruined by a series of several bombs going off just as racers reached the finish line.  What kind of sick, twisted moron would do this sort of thing?  Two Chechen guys from the sound of it.  One suspect is dead, the other has been captured.

Chechnya has been a breeding ground for terrorists for quite some time now, and they are quite creative with their methods.  In fact, the Boston bombing is being treated as a terrorism case, as it seems only a terrorist would dream something like this in the first place.  Some time after the bombs went off, two young men were caught on surveillance camera and the police believe they were the ones responsible.  

I wonder what exactly made these two men the prime suspects.  Well, there were hundreds of people in attendance, and in this day and age of the readily available video cameras on cell phones, there were people taking pictures and videos of the race.  Those cameras were going when the bombs went off.  There were also several people who were not watching the race.  Now granted some may have been taking to their friends or family or whoever, but only two seemed to be of note.  Not only that, but the suspects were carrying enormous black backpacks.  I'm not talking the average everyday schoolbag, I'm talking ones that are big enough to carry a pressure cooker without a lid.  No other person was seen with that kind of backpack.   

The men's father is in denial and their uncle is furious.  The father is so sure that his sons have been set up by the Secret Service, whereas the uncle was saying earlier that the men had brought shame to the family and the Chechen people. 
My only hope now is that the captured suspect doesn't kill himself before we have the whole story. 

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