Monday, June 27, 2011

What Are They Thinking?

If I hear one more thing from my instructor about how we are merely socialized to think that women operate differently from men, I will go nuts.  If I may quote Ken Davis directly, "MEN AND WOMEN ARE DIFFERENT!".
I tried to mention that a woman's brain is wired differently from a man's brain.  I even mentioned the studies done on the subject.  All I got was the response from one guy, "How do you know the studies were not conducted by men?".   Not only is that sexist, it also implies that gender roles are artificial.  How can I get it across to these people that a lot of the inequalities in society have everything to do with nature?

1 comment:

  1. I think you should recommend Psychology class to them. The teacher I had, Mr Braaz, does a good job with explaining those differences with different methods.
