Saturday, September 17, 2011

This Again.

For the past couple of days there has been more shoutloud over whether or not to ban the use of fetal tissue in stem cell research.  Proponents argue that a fetus is not quite human.  That said, they believe that it is perfectly reasonable to remove tissues from a fetus to "cure certain diseases". 

Life begins at conception when the sperm meets the egg.  When that happens, the gender, hair color, and eye color have already been decided.  So at two minutes, the fetus is either a girl or a boy, because the father sperms have either had the X Chromosome or the Y Chromosome.  So yes, the fetus is a human.  And if you want to use tissues from someone else, make sure that the person has given their consent first.  And using fetal tissues happens without the fetus's consent; therefore, it is murder.

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