Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Have They Forgotten This?

I am so tired of hearing people yelling and saying that since Governor Scott Walker didn't go to college he hates education.  Just because he wants to reduce, end, or what with collective bargaining rights for teachers does not mean he hates education.  Also, how does not getting a college education make someone hate it?  Are these folks assuming that you absolutely have to go to college or a public school in order to get an education?

Have people forgotten that Abraham Lincoln didn't go to college either?  In fact, if you added up all the time he spent in a classroom as a boy, it would add up to only one year, simply because he lived way out in the boondocks and had to help out on the farm.  And yet he LOVED learning and wanted to learn.  He taught himself how to read.  How many people are even willing to do that?  And look at what happened to Lincoln!  He became the nation's greatest president. 

To those loud folks making the ridiculous claim about Scott Walker's lack of a college education I say this:
Try educating yourselves by reading.  Go back to the library, get some books, and read them.  You don't have to go to college to get an education.  And please stop using Walker's lack of a college education as a case against him.  It has absolutely zero to do with his agenda. 

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