Saturday, February 6, 2016

Okay, Let Me Be Very Clear On This!

Jar Jar Binks is not a Sith Lord.  I say this because for one thing, he is not Force-sensitive.  If he were, Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi would have sensed it right away.  Now Palpatine has the power to cloud minds and hide his true purposes from the Jedi, but he can't entirely hide that fact, which is why the Jedi are able to sense that the Dark Side is clouding the future.  
      Also Jar Jar is naturally clumsy and stupid.  I seriously doubt that someone like Palpatine would even bother training someone like him.  To Palpatine, Jar Jar is just a naive fool who can be easily manipulated.  
     And finally, even if Jar Jar were Force-sensitive, Palpatine cannot possibly take on two apprentices at once.  Aside from the Rule of Two, it isn't feasible to train to apprentices because of the time and effort it would take.  Even a Sith Lord wouldn't be able to pull that off.  
      Besides, there is nothing in the canon to even suggest that he's a Sith Lord.  Sidious was trained by Plagueis, and Sidious trained Maul.  Looking at the novels, Palpatine met Plagueis in 65 BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin), and Jar Jar Binks was born in 55 BBY.  So Jar Jar was no where near Palpatine or Maul at the time.   


  1. Of course it's silly. The writers couldn't pull off something like that. The plotting is much too straightforward. Wolfe could manage that sort of wheel inside a wheel inside a wheel, but not Lucas.

  2. Mostly I was getting tired of other fans circulating that conspiracy theory all over the place.
