Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Bumper Stickers 2

I'm beginning to think that many of the bumper stickers I see a lot of are on people's cars not because someone has something to say, but because people think that they're cool.  And many of them are just plain weird.

For example, there's a bumper sticker similar to the "Coexist" bumper sticker labeled "Tolerance" and written in the same religious symbol font of the former.  Like the "Coexist" stickers, the "Tolerance" ones are stupid.  You're not going to get people to tolerate one another by telling them that they should.  They have to make the decision for themselves whether or not they'll accept somebody.  Granted people are not nice to each other and will judge people needlessly based on race, sex, etc., but you won't get far by telling them to accept someone's differences.

I'm also sick of seeing "Kerry/Edwards" bumper stickers because they are six years out-of-date.  The same goes for "Obama '08".  Come on.  Both of those elections are in the past, so why can't people get rid of those old stickers?

Oh, and today I saw a bumper sticker reading "I Give Evolution Two Opposite Thumbs-Up."  In other words, it's somebody who has forgotten the point of the Creation.  It's not a "how", it's a "who".  I've hated the Creation/Evolution debate since I first heard about it back in the sixth grade and I do not want to hear anymore from either Dishonest Evolutionists or Dishonest Creationists.  I can't stand either of them.

1 comment:

  1. To nitpick: the symbols on "coexist" are not all religious. The cross, crescent, and yin/yang are ancient religious/philosophical symbols, but the O is a political symbol, the E is something I'd never seen before, and the I borrows from Renaissance era occultists.

    True, I have known some for whom politics was their religion.
